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Race Teams

Fully Booked out for this breeding season ! 

$600 per single team of 10 plus delivery 
For 2 or more teams $550 per 10 plus delivery

Race Teams comprising of 10 youngsters per team will be available during the breeding season, the teams will be a mixture of the following bloodlines  ( mostly crossed ) Koopman, Dirk Van Dyck, Chipollini Janssens. Verbruggen, Vandenabeele, Hereman - Ceusters , Geert Munnik and Beverdam Janssen. ​
NO PEDIGREES will be supplied with these teams. All youngsters sent out will be vaccinated for PMV a few days prior to dispatch.


In previous season youngsters supplied in race teams have won Federation Races in the VHA, VRPU, CCF, QPF, SPF & SAHPA plus Top 10 Federation Places in the PRF, WPF, GMPF, SCF, MNCPF & NRC. 

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